where: Now at Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
e-mail: eencs.chalmers.se (old -- still works)
niklaseen.se (private)
niklascadence.com (work)
phone: +1-510-387-9419 (mobile)
+1-510-647-2820 (work)
address: 2123 Sacramento St.
Berkeley CA 94702-1904, USA

On 1st of September 1999, I became a Ph.D. student at the Computing Science Department at Chalmers University of Technology, and a member of the formal methods group. Since February 8, 2005, I am now a Ph.D.



MiniSat and SatELite now have their own page here. All other software I developed during my Ph.D. can be found in the EenSoft.zip package. More information and references can be found on the (somewhat out-dated) Satzoo page, and on the Tip (temporal induction prover) page.

Non scientific:

I wrote an essay "P=NP -- what does it mean?" (ps.gz pdf) in a course on Theory of Science and Research Ethics. The essay is intended for non computer scientists and explains what P=NP is all about, and what possible consequences it would have if we solved this problem.


On January the 10th, 2004, one of those miracles occured. For more familly links, look at een.se.

Why not have a look at my Single Image Stereogram page? Or play against my old Prolog Othello program in its new web guise?