MARCO GSRC Bookshelf

Your Title Here Slot

Work in progress: last updated Sun Nov 21 1999

(see other slots)

H.E.Author1, Sh.E.Author2 and I.M.Author3


I.  Introduction 
II.  Data Formats
III. Publicly available instances, solutions and reference performance results
IV.  Executable Utilities (converters, generators, statistics browsers, evaluators, constraint verifiers)
V.  Optimizers and other non-trivial executables
VI.  Common in-memory representations, parsers and other source codes

I. Introduction

This slot is focused on XYZ, which is ... . XYZ has captured the interest of CAD researchers for years because... Recent progress on XYZ and open problems are described in these papers ...

II. Data Formats

The common (OR new) data formats for XYZ are descibed at ...

III. Publicly available instances, solutions and reference performance results

The XZZ-99 benchmark suite is available at ... Performance results of the solver ZYY from XYY Univ. are available at ... Those can be compared to results of solver ZZY from XXY Univ. available at ...

IV. Executable Utilities

InstanceGenerator (Sparc Solaris 2.7) (Intel Linux) (Win95/98/NT)
produces instances with specified characteristics, supports -help and options ... usage ...
SolutionEvaluator (Sparc Solaris 2.7) (Intel Linux) (Win95/98/NT)
produces solution cost for a given solution, supports -help and options ... usage ..
ConstraintChecker (Sparc Solaris 2.7) (Intel Linux) (Win95/98/NT)
verified whether a given solution satifis given constraints, supports -help and options ... usage ..

V. Optimizers and non-trivial executables

SolverZYY from XYY Univ. (Sparc Solaris 2.7) (Intel Linux) (Win95/98/NT)
produces solutions for a given instance, reports run time, solution quality etc. Supports -help and options ... usage ...
SolverZZY from XXY Univ. (Sparc Solaris 2.7) (Intel Linux) (Win95/98/NT)
produces solutions for a given instance, reports run time, solution quality etc. Supports -help and options ... usage ...

VI. Common in-memory representations, parsers and other source codes

			to come
