Macro GSRC  Calibrating Achievable Design : bookshelf 


A Hurwitz Interconnect Delay Evaluation Package

Chung-Kuan Cheng, Xiao-Dong Yang, Zhanhai Qin



  1. Introduction
  2. Download HIDE and Documents
  3. Installation

I.    Introduction

The purpose of HIDE is to evaluate delays of an RLC interconnect tree very accurately and scale the original tree structure down to a set of equivalent, connected, and realizable models.

The program features:


II.    Download HIDE and Documents


III.    Installation

1.  Retrieve the deluxe package via the link above, then type

        'gzip -d HIDE.tar.gz'
        'tar xvf HIDE.tar'

    to build the following directory structure:

        HIDE/README this file
        HIDE/inc/ directory for Head file
        HIDE/src/ directory for C source code of HIDE routine
        HIDE/doc/ User's manual and Programmer's manual
        HIDE/bin/ directory for exectuable file
        HIDE/template directory for a template of input command file
        HIDE/OutputData directory for storing all the output data
        HIDE/HSPICE directory for storing generated Hspice netlist
        HIDE/example directory with a simple test case as example

2.  Compile the source files by typing

        'cd src'
        'make '

     In HIDE/bin, we get a executable file: HIDE

3.  In .cshrc file, pls set a path to access HIDE

4.  Go to 'template' subdirectory to modify the input command file feasible to your applications
     ( please refer the manual in HIDE/doc/HIDE_User_Manual.pdf on how to set the options )

5.  Run the program by typing

         'HIDE YourInputCommandFile'