Chung-Kuan Cheng, Xiao-Dong Yang, Zhanhai Qin
The purpose of HIDE is to evaluate delays of an RLC interconnect tree very accurately and scale
the original tree structure down to a set of equivalent, connected, and realizable p models.The program features:
1. Retrieve the deluxe package via the link above, then type
'gzip -d HIDE.tar.gz'
'tar xvf HIDE.tar'
to build the following directory structure:
HIDE/README this file
HIDE/inc/ directory for Head file
HIDE/src/ directory for C source code of HIDE routine
HIDE/doc/ User's manual and Programmer's manual
HIDE/bin/ directory for exectuable file
HIDE/template directory for a template of input command file
HIDE/OutputData directory for storing all the output data
HIDE/HSPICE directory for storing generated Hspice netlist
HIDE/example directory with a simple test case as example2. Compile the source files by typing
'cd src'
'make '
In HIDE/bin, we get a executable file: HIDE
3. In .cshrc file, pls set a path to access HIDE4. Go to 'template' subdirectory to modify the input command file feasible to your applications
( please refer the manual in HIDE/doc/HIDE_User_Manual.pdf on how to set the options )5. Run the program by typing
'HIDE YourInputCommandFile'