May the source be with you,
but remember the KISS principle ;-)

Softpanorama: (slightly skeptical) Open Source Software Educational Society


Fighting Raymondism:
Open Source Software Development
 as a Special Type of Academic Research
(Critique of Vulgar Raymondism)

Something is rotten in the state of Denmark

Shakespeare, Hamlet

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This page is devoted to the critique of Raymondism which is a revision of Stallmanism that advocates commercializing of open source movement. It views the Open Source Software (OSS) phenomena without rose-colored glasses. I am convinced that we need to understand both strong and weak points of OSS and the former is impossible without the latter. Both exists. 

The main point here is that the idea of sacrificing yourself to save humanity is very seductive to certain types of individuals. Probably instead of saving the world it is often wiser to learn to live in it. The latter is also more difficult.

...the idea of sacrificing yourself to save humanity is very seductive to certain types of individuals. Probably instead of saving the world it is often wiser to learn to live in it. The latter is also more difficult.

ESR's paper does has historical value but it was mainly used as a "manifesto" used to teach "open source" converts how they should look at their place in the Movement. Specifically, ESR promotes the view that "open source" is a marvelous utopia. Like all the great utopias, it is free of personality conflicts and everyone freely works for the Common Good under the benevolent dictatorship of el Linusimo.

Paradoxically in "free vs open source discussion" I am on the RMS side (Stalmanism side, if you wish ;-) and I think that RMS is right by saying that he's not sure to what extent the Free Software is compatible with corporate desire for profit. It's much more straightforward and truthful to say it that way, rather than jump over the head trying to sell open source projects to the highest bidder as ESR attempts.

There is one terminological problem: some people (RMS is one example) distinguish free software ("free software"="GPL-based software" in RMS interpretation ;-) from Open Source (umbrella term that includes BSD license, Artistic license and LGPL), some do not. Open source is snappier, clearer, less ambiguous, and close enough to the same thing. As such it's preferable to the  99% of people. I know that RMS disagree, but so be it. And actually if you are semantic fundamentalist you can see the GPL has problems with coercing the word  "free" (that's why so much material on GNU site is devoted to it ;-).  BSD license is more free that GPL in both "free like in beer" and "free like in freedom" meanings of this word. 

The principal advantage of open source means that for simple programs the possibility of adapting program for your needs largely  compensates for the shortcomings of this program.  Of course you need to be a programmer to use this advantage, but the programming code is useful for adaptation only if it is really short and simple. You can convert any open source project into an analogy of closed source project just by overcomplicating the code base. That means that commercializing of open source ("Linus revolution") is internally contradictive undertaking as Red Hat behavior clearly demonstrates. As RMS said:

... I would choose a bare-bones unreliable free program rather than ... reliable proprietary program...

Again the key advantage of open source for me that "bare-bone" open source program does have additional value that might compensate for many other real or perceived faults. This opportunity is not automatic and to a large extent disappear with the growth of the size of the program. So KISS principle is of paramount importance for open source.

Again it's important to understand that the principal advantage of open source exists only up to certain amount of lines in a program. That's why scripting languages are so important and Perl, TCL, PHP and Python, not Linux can be considered to be flagships of open source. Linux is a pretty conservative reimplementation of Unix that introduced almost nothing new into operating system kernel design. And BTW Unix introduced at least seven: C language as system programming language, hierarchical filesystem, pipes and a set of pipes friendly utilities/filters, regular expressions, devices as files, shell as the mother of all modern scripting languages, first built-in TCP/IP stack). If one compares Linux with BE OS, Inferno or even with OS/2 and Amiga one can see that in major design decisions Linux is an extremely conservative OS. As Rob Pike noted in his "Systems Software Research is Irrelevant" ( Linux can be considered as a sign that computer science research became irrelevant and he claimed that the whole situation in OS design is generally bad and requires action.

The second important point is that Raymondism statement that open-source software as a new economic force for producing software is inherently or inevitably superior to alternatives is plain vanilla Vulgar Marxism.  As I mentioned in My responce to the letter by Paolo Pumilia to the FM:

I would like to reiterate that ERS's views on the economic superiority of open source are close to vulgar Marxism with it's economic determinism. Contrary to your impression "vulgar Marxism " is a legitimate scientific term. As Professor Robert M. Young stated in his work "Marxism and the history of science" [see R.C. Olby, G.N. Cantor, J.R.R. Christie and M.J.S. Hodge (editors), Companion to the History of Modern Science. (1996), pp. 77-86.]:

"The defining feature of Marxist approaches to the history of science is that the history of scientific ideas, of research priorities, of concepts of nature and of the parameters of discoveries are all rooted in historical forces which are, in the last instance, socio-economic. There are variations in how literally this is taken and various Marxist-inspired and Marxist-related positions define the interrelations among science and other historical forces more or less loosely. There is a continuum of positions. The most orthodox provides one-to-one correlations between the socio-economic base and the intellectual superstructure. This is referred to as economism or vulgar Marxism."

All in all, I tried to communicating a more objective message that can mobilize developers by giving them a clear sense of what OSS is about, what are major pitfalls and difficulties and how to avoid them or at least lessen their influence on the project. I do not propose ready-made answers in the best CatB fairy-tale style, I have more questions that answers. Anyway, Brook's Law is not negated by a fairy-tail about a dog and pony show project (Fetchmail) by a true believer who cannot even understand that this project should use a scripting language instead of C [I assume you've heard of Brook's law].

My approach to researching this phenomena is to consider OSS as a vital part of Unix Renaissance with Linux as one of several free kernels (and like FreeBSD and Solaris kernels is too complex in the latest incarnations and far from being the best available Unix kernel; it's probably dead last in quality and architectural refinement among the three kernels mentioned above).

Special attention is devoted to the limitations of the OSS because I strongly believe that understanding limitations of OSS is probably one of the most important component of general understanding of OSS phenomena. For example I think that attempt to complete with NT in both client and server space for Linux will harm the kernel development and introduce the level of bloat that is comparable with Microsoft with corresponding problems in stability. Also contrary to CatB I think that there was a process of  switching of the  development of kernel from volunteers to paid developers, the process that started around 1997 and was mainly completed after 1999 Linux IPOs. I suspect that since Linus Torvalds became Transmeta  chief PR person it's simply incorrect to think about Linux kernel as a pure volunteer-driven project as CatB tries to present it. Similarly it's incorrect to think about ESR as a volunteer Linux evangelist since his election to the VA Linux board. Actually ESR is an extremely well paid Linux evangelist that contributed a lot to the Linux Gold Rush. And there were some Gold rush victims. Sound that this has nothing to do with open source? Read on. Here is the message  that I had found on the Linuxtoday forum about "absurdly rich" Eric Raymond:

Mark Brogan - Subject: I happy for you, but my whole future now resides in VA LINUXre I (Dec 12, 1999, 23:22:08 )

I must be insane, because I placed a market order for LNUX. I now must liquidate all my retirement account to settled the trade...

500 shares X $277 = 138,500

I tend to think that 'Sudden Wealth Syndrome'  is applicable not only to children of rich (In working class neighborhoods, a kid might say "My daddy can beat up your daddy," but in the neighborhoods of "Sudden Wealth Syndrome" the brag is "My daddy can buy your daddy."). And cosmic valuations and consolidation frenzy is only one danger  to be aware of.  The second one is financial problems including shady accounting practices to justify them, no real business plan, etc. It's really sad, but greed is greed even if it's connected with open source. One can expect press releases like  "The company denied that it expects to find evidence of financial irregularities either in its revenue recognition or expenses". May be accompanied by resignation of CFO, CEO or both. Who just a little bit overstep regulations trying to turn a profit. The Me use Linux too IPO open sore Linus open ebiz ASP solutions satire aptly described crazy atmosphere of this gold rush bubble that partially was inspired by Raymondism (See Linus Midas Touch for more information): 

The final destruction of what used to be a charming little OS scene arrived today, Monday, December 13, 1999.

Linuxtoday is spewing forth "me-use-linux-too-IPO-open-sore-Linus-open-ebiz-ASP-solutions" press releases from every backwater, buzzless Joe Q. Corp with a hotmail account...

OS figureheads are being courted for interviews with a veracity that is usually reserved only for pathological child molesters and internet CEOs...

Forty thousand "Embedded Internet eSolution Firewall Privacy Biz Remote" solutions are being deeply discounted to the five people who care enough to add one more script to their boxes...

2-bit players are buying half-bit companies without a dime to their names just to get at the word Linux in their press releases...

Along with research materials and a collection of critical materials about the Cathedral and the Bazaar(CatB) I authored two papers on the subject. the first of them coined the term Raymondism as a negative phenomenon connected with naive, on the border of blind-folded chauvinism, view of OSS. I see it as an attempt to create an open source mythology and rally people around it (like semi organized high demand cult) that leads to the loss of credibility on the movement, and betrayal of trust of people who support it. See also What is Raymondism and Commentary to the First Paper on OSS problems

Of course not everybody would agree with my views (actually ESR even reacted to my first paper in a rather revealing as for his own personality way)  but I think that my concerns are pretty legitimate to think about them even if you disagree. See also responses to the first FM paper   It's interesting to note that most responses are limited to just one day October 8, 1999. News last just one day in the atmosphere of information overload  ;-)

I understand perfectly well that it's easy to refute my statements citing ERS's other papers and he really revised some of his most utopian views expressed in CatB in his later papers. The problem with such defense is that ESR's views are pretty much opportunistic and eclectic. Therefore radically different approaches happily coexist in his papers and as any opportunist he switches between mutually incompatible views as a matter of convenience. For example he often advertise his closeness to anarcho-capitalism, ironically called "libertarianism" in the USA (an eclectic political movement often called anarchism for the rich). But in many papers including CatB he is much more close to the anarcho-communism -- a variety of pre-Marxist grassroot communist philosophy. For example the idea of  a gift economy that he advocated in CatB is extremely close to anarcho-communism and no amount of words or citations can refute this fact.

As J.Salinas put it in his response to LinuxWorld Eric Raymond's tips for effective open source advocacy

Surely, the real reason that Free Software took off in 1998 is that it had hit a critical mass, and re-labelling it as OpenSource probably made very little difference in practice.

The truth is that the GNU effort had been adopted by Unix users and, more importantly, by academic institutions, at an increasing rate during the late eighties and nineties, and this produced a critical mass among "those in the know" by 1997/98 that made it inevitable that Free Software would be noticed and make inroads.

Eric Raymond may want to have been more important, but really his attitudinising was just a component, albeit valued, in the inevitable flow of events, and not the decisive factor.

The take up owed everything to the CS students during the previous N years who had been taught on Free Software, and respected the model, pushed it, and sold it. ESR was just one of those people who pushed it around. Nobody where I worked had ever heard of him or of OpenSource. But they did know about Gnu and Emacs. These constituted the practical elements that made recognition of Free Software inevitable.

That's my theory, and I am sticking to it.


Nikolai Bezroukov

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This is a Spartan WHYFF (We Help You For Free) site. It might help, but it cannot replace the best teachers and the best books.




O'Reilly Whence the Source Untangling the Open Source-Free Software Debate

This circumstantial evidence makes it pretty easy to perceive Stallman's generous, virtuoso effort as the technical foundation of the movement. Throngs of Free Software Foundation enthusiasts do, and thus seem to implicitly accept his radically socialist ideology as the One True Philosophy of source code liberation.

But there's another problem: Stallman wasn't the first.

Years before he or Eric Raymond ever hit on the idea of liberating source code, the UNIX operating system was being developed at AT&T Bell Laboratories. As a government-regulated monopoly, AT&T was barred from competition in the computer industry. Though UNIX source code was not then "free" in either the FSF or OSI sense, it could be licensed at nominal cost.

Universities were among the first to take advantage. As a result, UNIX ended up in the hands of hundreds of collaborating academic programmers. In particular, the UNIX effort at the University of California at Berkeley spawned a West Coast hacker culture to rival Stallman's MIT cohort. Ultimately, the student programmers at Berkeley created their own variation of the operating system so potent that it became a major fork in the UNIX lineage -- the Berkeley Software Distribution, or BSD.

It is difficult to overestimate the role of BSD UNIX in modern computing. Not only did it beget many key features of all future versions of UNIX, but it was also under the BSD flag that UNIX met the Internet (though at the time it went by its more ancient name, Arpanet). Much of the most common system software surrounding the TCP/IP protocol was developed at UC Berkeley, and was introduced to the world as part of BSD.

In the years since, BSD has enjoyed not only a substantial commercial run, but has also found its way into a commerce-free distribution of its own, one to rival Linux. Though not as popular or mediagenic as Linux, FreeBSD can nevertheless be widely found on the machines of hobbyists, ISPs, and major corporations alike.

So the shared source collaboration concept had received significant validation long before Raymond or Stallman showed up on the field. That would make AT&T the unlikely mother of the movement, having quietly accomplished the feat with neither Stallman's righteous rhetoric nor Raymond's theoretical grandstanding.

My Papers

Comments about this page

[ Nov 27, 2002] Google Search raymondism -- pretty amusing views from some Linux enthusiasts ;-)

From: Angerthas.Daeron (
Subject: Max Burke spreads Microsoft fud
View: Complete Thread (4 articles)
Original Format

Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy
Date: 2002-11-27 08:28:39 PST

In a previous post Max Burke (mlvburke@%$ wrote the following :
".. # Before I get flamed for this, please understand that a holy war,
"Linux uber alles" of sorts,  is a self-defeating strategy. I hope
that  there is a healthy "silent majority" of the open source
community (that why I actually am writing this FAQ) who are just
writing code as best they can, and/or submitting patches bug reports.
But that does not mean that we can just ignore the ranting and raving
of the zealots. But the public tend to define the open source
community in terms of its most outspoken members which in this
particular case means zealots...  .."
He accuses us on COLA of promoting a holy war and of being zealots.
He points to a web page to back up his arguments. It's written by one
"Nikolai Bezroukov" of Kiev University of commerce and economics,
Ukraine which makes him eminently qualified to comment on the issue.

I make this point as Mr Bezroukov himself doesn't think Linus Torvalds
is qualified to give opinions. He purports to be an unbiased
commentator but from the tone and content I for one suspect his
motives. I had not been aware of it's existence so here is a belated

Firstly I am not a zealot. I am just a user of the technology. I come
here to disguise Linux with like minded individuals. The same cannot
be said for Mr Burke and others with the same hidden agenda as
himself. I suspect that they are in fact disguised proponents for the
Microsoft Corporation. I guess you knew that already.

I don't use the Microsoft product and can go for ages without
mentioning it. I have no axe to grind either way. What I do object to
is these WinTrolls coming over here pretending to engage in dialogue.
But secretly trying to undermine the Open Source Community in general.

It cannot be a co-incidence that the language, deceptions and
mis-information they use is strikingly similar to the product coming
out of Redmond. You might suspect that it has been written by the same
people. It's also strange how most of the fud mentioned here at one
time or another bears a striking resemblance to that web page. It's
remarkable how they are all so ON MESSAGE.

There has been a change of tack recently. Rather that the direct
assault they are going for a more suttle approach.
In the web page referred to above the author one  "Nikolai Bezroukov"
resorted to the personal attack. Referring to something called
"Raymondism". This I assume is a gratuitous personal insult aimed at
"Eric S. Raymond" author of "The Cathedral and the Bazaar" amongst
other things. "Raymondism" can also be refered to as "childish
diseases" and  "bad advocacy" he informs us.

He defines the affliction as "naive .. blind fold Linux chauvinism
("Linux uber alles")". The quotes are himself quoting himself. Linux
advocates he don't agree with are just like  Nazis - (it's the German
quotation - get it !).

What he does like is "a credible OSS advocacy" - what this is he
doesn't say.  O.S.S  ".. can play a positive role in developing
countries .." he says, get that people ? Some colonials might have a
use for it. Don't even think of going head to head against W2K. He
attacks ERS for ".. primitive anti Microsoft rhetoric ..".,4537,384326,00.html
".. Since Jan. 1998 Eric Raymond successfully promoted "open source"
as a distinct and slightly anti-Stallman movement. See for example his
interview with Smart Reseller Straight From The Source where Eric was
called a Godfather of Linux ;-) .."

There was no reference to a "Godfather of Linux" in the quoted
article. Is this a case of someone making up their own quotes again ?
I've tried to find the quote on google but to no avail.

He also quotes  ESR and attacks him because some of the same arguments
could be applied to Microsoft. Here he betrays his true position, not
as an "objective" reviewer of OSS but as an apologist for the
Microsoft corporation. This me-too-ism runs through the article(s). 
I'm curious as to his motives for this hatchet job on OSS. He even
quotes Pope Boniface VII at one point to bolster his arguments. OSS
you see - it's the devils work !

".. At the same time the movement is still in its early stages (and
not last days, as some predict) .." Who ever said OSS was on its last
days ? Nobody. You print a falsehood only to retract it in the same
sentence. This bares similarities to an "Ericism". Are they by any
chance related ?

".. What ESR and Co failed to realize is that people who are
developing and using Solaris, Novell and Microsoft products are also
professionals and many of them are of a caliber far superior to the
author of low to middle-range open source products like EMACS editor
macros, a mail utility, and like ;-). For any intelligent professional
an open demonstration of arrogance naturally creates a strong negative
reaction, a backlash that is damaging to the movement credibility and
future .."

Why is such a superior company desperately trying to gather cudos by
comparing themselves to a bunch of sandle wearing OSS advocates. The
words  Inferiority Complex comes to mind. See how he has to rope in
Solaris and Novell to bolster his arguament. I suspect neither of them
would be quick to defend the beast. Again he tacks a negative
signifier on to the end of the sentence possible in the hope that no
one would notice.

This again reminds me of a typical fud posting here. See how he gets
'author' 'low' and 'open source products' together in the same
sentence. For such an expert on OSS the only apps he can think of are
"EMACS" "editor macros" and  "a mail utility".

A Microsoft defender accuses the OSS movement of "arrogance". Has he
ever heard the expression Pot Kettle Black ?

The only war is the one being prosecuted from One Microsoft Way. OSS
people have neither the time or the inclination to mount "WARS". He
uses the word on more than one occasion. Bill Gates may be at war with
the rest of the world but that's his own paranoia.

".. The same problems exist with primitive anti Microsoft rhetoric .."
er the TRUTH ! This arrogant bastard then goes on to abuse Linus
Torvalds ".. technical judgments are very suspect .. things about
which he actually has very little real knowledge due to the specifics
of his career .."

Could Mr Bezroukov please enlighten us as to his own qualifications.
As he is not impressed with Richard Stallman, Eric Raymond" or Linus
Torvalds. There is an old football expression around here - if you
can't go for the ball then go for the man. We can be sure which
philosophy fires up Bezroukov - go for the man.

"..  We should suspect any OSS advocacy that includes the following
features .."

Is that the royal we or do you have an invisible friend sitting on
your sholder as you type ?

".. open source software .. is called economism or Vulgar Marxism .."
Get that folks OSS is communist. YOUR ALL A BUNCH OF NO GOOD COMMIES !

Sorry I lost it there for a minute - to continue. We can take it that
Nikolai has embraced the one true Church of the All Mighty Dollar and
as such is displaying all the zeal of the convert. The Good Lord loves
a believer.

".. See Is "Vulgar Marxism" a legitimate scientific term .." - Answer
NO it's just more of the same abuse from a vulgar troll!

"..  concealment of the facts about the true economic origin of ..
(OSS) .. products .. 'taxpayer-funded'  (university-funded) .."

Do Microsoft see the Universities as a threat now. 'my god there are
people actually thinking there - without a licence'

Didn't his BillNess use an unauthorized terminal to bash out code in
his early years - all paid for by his college ?

".. Linus Torvalds was financed .. remunerated him quite nicely ..
most highly paid developers in the Unix word .."

What is the point - are we supposed to feel jealous. Yes he makes
money. He probably lives in a house eats food and sleeps in his own
bed.  Bezroukov cannot support his position on it's merits so he
trashes the personal reputation of OSS advocates instead. Do these
people have no integrity ?

".. disrespect of other developers .. especially Microsoft .." -
Finally we come to the kernal of the matter.

We've hurt their feelings. Sitting hunched out there in Redmond
hacking out "Dog Food" all day is bad enough but getting maligned by
your peers - that really hurts.

" Instigation of hatred of the members of the commercial community is
unproductive and unethical .."

OH The irony ! Blackmailing and intimidating your own commercial
partners is also unethical. Getting lectures on ethics from you people
is ludicrous  as well as insulting !

Linux Kernel Mailing List, Archive by Week Closed-door develop

CatB in a new light. This fall Raymond has been touring Europe promoting his book. He most kindly made his way by Trondheim where he gave an unforgettable series of speeches. In one of these speeches he poses the question why nobody had articulated the bazaar mode of development prior. He says there are a handful of intelligent, articulated hackers that had already observed the phenomena, but none had spelled it out. Why is that? Raymond asks. His suggestion is that hackers like to think that their success in developing software is due to their own brilliance. All hackers liked to think so, and that is why nobody had tried to look into the matter more closely before Raymond did.

Let's permutate Raymonds question a bit, and ask: why is it that the hacker community is not questioning the apparent flaws in the 'Cathedral and the Bazaar'. Paul Feyerabend writes:

There comes then a moment when the theory is no longer an esoteric discussion topic for advanced seminars and conferences, but enters the public domain. There are introductory texts, popularizations; examinations questions start dealing with problems solved in its terms. Scientists from distant fields and philosophers, trying to show off, drop a hint here and there, and this often quite uninformed desire to be on the right side is taken as a further sign of the importance of the theory.

Unfortunately, this increase in importance is not accompanied by better understanding; the very opposite is the case. Problematic aspects which were originally introduced with the help of carefully constructed arguments now become basic principles; doubtful points turn into slogans; debates with opponents become standardised and also quite unrealistic, for the opponents, having to express themselves in terms which presupposes what they contest, seem to raise quibbles, or to misuse words. Alternatives are still employed but they no longer contain realistic counter-proposals; they only serve as a background for the splendour of the new theory. Thus we do have success; but it is the success of a manoeuvre carried out in a void, overcoming difficulties that were set up in advance for easy solution. (1993, p. 30)

Answering almost with Raymond's own words: can it be that we hackers like to think that the success of our software is due to a genial, new way of development that we have come up with ourselves? Is it truly so? CatB is not a software engineering essay. It is an anthropological study. However, it contains material about the bazaar, the hackers' way of doing software engineering. Central traits to the bazaar is the open process, the freedom to do with the code what each individual developer wants, and a high degree of
cooperation. Raymond mentions Linux as an archetypal bazaar, yet in a letter to the author David Miller, a central Linux developer, writes:

Date: Tue, 5 Oct 1999 18:40:06 +0200 (CEST)
From: David S. Miller

\> is it so that you core Linux kernel developers are doing much of the discussing and
\> planning outside of the Linux kernel mailinglist?

It is true to a large extent, and in my opinion it's the gem that keeps us at such high productivity rates.
It's a surefire method by which us core developers can obtain the best signal to noise ratio. Discussions happen
more efficiently and productively when you know you're talking to someone with a clue and you don't get barraged with responses from folks who are perhaps not so clueful and not so weathered on the topic as the core developers.
I.e. there is a mismatch between the map and the terrain, the map here being Raymond's bazaar and the terrain being how things work in the real world. While there is an open forum, areas for community building, the development in itself is being done in a closed
fashion. The results, i.e. the source code, is up for public review, so the product itself is still open. The process, however, is a closed one, and it is the process more than the product that Raymond emphasize as the bazaar model.


Comments on the second paper (SLcatB)

"Open source is a very interesting and influential phenomenon. It is especially intriguing to me because I believe that it can play a positive role in developing countries. In order to ensure its long-term sustainability we need to see it "as is" and clearly identify possible pitfalls as well as open source's strong and weak points. Fundamentally, we need a reliable map of the open source environment."

"The publication of Eric Raymond's (ESR) new book The Cathedral and the Bazaar: Musings on Linux and Open Source by an Accidental Revolutionary...makes a fresh and critical review of his most influential paper even more necessary. Besides The Cathedral and the Bazaar (CatB), several papers by ESR are included in this book. None of the papers are so well written, influential and important as CatB. It is no wonder that The Cathedral and the Bazaar is sometimes considered as a Manifesto of the Open Source Movement. This paper will try to analyze just CatB."

"In my earlier paper I argued that the bazaar metaphor is internally contradictive. In this paper we would like to concentrate on the entire CatB paper and try to dissect the main ideas of CatB."

seph - Subject: Re: Actually, Open Source development validates Brooks.... (Dec 11, 1999, 23:47:57 )

>Adding a *small* number of people late in the project, actually *does* help, but unfortunately the
> payoff is a lot less than you expect. Getting linearly better is not enough. Large projects are targetting
> things that are exponentially harder than they used to.

This is a lot of jabber. Adding people to a project late means they have to bring people up to speed. You obviously have no clue about projects.

>Brooks would not be the least surprised with open source development.

Of course he would. If he'd thought of it, he would have written about it. You're too far out on the skinny brances here. How can you speculate what he would or would not have been surprised about. This is only your opinion. Whatever he said is all he said. Not what you attempt to add to it. Is it me or do you seem to what to bring other people into a discussion so you can be right about it.

Open source is what it is. Whether or not it will last depends on market forces which at best are unpredictable. Go back 18 months and tell me you could have envisioned this world when most of the press said "they don't have anyone to call if you have a problem"


Re:Man-month Postulate and Cathedral and Bazaar (Score:3, Insightful)
by amyzing ( on Sunday January 09, @02:09AM EST (#40)
(User Info)

Hmmm. Interesting and well-considered comment, but some of the quotes, at least, are more than a bit skewed (well, quoting the Halloween document's criticism of open-source initiative is almost funny).

Specifically, in response to the quote that attempts to explain Brooks in simpler terms, there is an implicit flaw--while these projects might take one programmer 12 months, but would not be completed in one month if twelve programmers were assigned, it might be the case that two could finish in six months, or that three could finish in four. One programmer might not be the ideal number for the project. In fact, more programmers might even finish more quickly, depending upon how the project fits into other releases with which it must be coordinated.

The open source paradigm adds programmers where parallelism is possible. To break things down, it's design, code, test, fix ... design isn't easily divisible (at least the large-scale ought to be done by one person; the module designs might be done by as many people as there are programmers, but there's some loss there for coordination, and adding more programmers than there are modules immediately invokes Brooks' Law, which is really about the fact that once all the slots are filled, extra manpower is overhead, not advantage). Depending on the design, modules might be coded by more than one person, and *certainly* testing and fixing can be parallelized efficiently.

The ability of open source to test massively is both one of its greatest time savers (more on the order of: open source code is typically higher quality, because it's been tested more thoroughly, including broader code and design reviews) and one of the things that leverages initiative, in direct contradiction of Halloween I. Win2K isn't likely to have IPv6; Linux does. There are a multitude of other examples; for any given computer-use problem, there is probably a standards-based, well-tested open source solution that is going to be more effective than a proprietary solution. IRC is going to spearhead the whole concept of live chat years before vendors implement their own solutions (which is not to claim that IRC is that much better; IRC 2, though, is likely to be--IRC is the one thrown away, but the proprietary folks haven't managed to learn from its mistakes).

Where open source tends to fall down is not in lack of innovation, but in a failure to achieve the same level of limited function and high glitz as proprietary solutions. In cooking terms, open source is nutritionally balanced, tasty, digestible, and healthy, but poorly presented; proprietary is fast food, with extreme good looks and little value as nutrition (and probably a somewhat chemical aftertaste as well).

Mind, Brooks is my *hero*, and I have an autographed copy; I think MMM is brilliant. But he doesn't argue that only one programmer should ever be assigned to a project, and I believe that there is less contradiction between the open source model and Brooks' Law than ESR argues in CatB. Where open source shines is in the testing and revision cycle (and in the ownership of the code by programmers, not by managers ... if someone in charge of a module doesn't get anything useful from an extra programmer, she can ignore him; in a managed software development cycle, everyone has to justify their paychecks, possibly by reducing someone else's productivity noisily).

Comments on the first paper (OSSDAR)

Attention: here is Webliography to the paper. Due to its volume it was not included in the text
Webliography to the paper.Educational Links to the paperLinux Today Story and discussionSlashdot Discussion of the paperESR responseThe letter by Paolo Pumilia to FM and my response
ESR comes under fire Ars TechnicaSlashdot discussion of ESR's responseTHE REGISTER Linux guru Raymond accused of 'vulgar Marxism'Open code and Marxist PrinciplesLinux Today discussion of this pageNetsurfer Digest 05.32
A Critique of the Bazaar, with a Postscript by Godwin
Letter 2 to FMDfultonLinksNettime: Eric S. Raymond the theory  and practice of going ballistic  Other references

Educational links to the paper

It's interesting to note that most responses are limited to just one day October 8, 1999. News last just one day in the atmosphere of information overload  ;-)

...Your article is powerful. Of course it will help many developers to build up more objective view on the issue. It is a perfect critics and everything is 90% true. BUT it looks at the Open Source only the negative way.

I think if this article will be seen by a developer with weak independence, one will never participate in OSS projects.

The author of this letter began to participate himself in one of such projects not long ago and this article was like a bomb, exploded in the core of his heart. He will continue to go, but he was shaken in his confidence. This may be compared with telling to a small child that Santa Claus doesn't exist.

Breaking the Internet Dream and annihilating the idea of Open System and Open Software IS AN INTELLECTUAL SIN.

[????] open source by dfulton

...Cost is an important factor to the educational world in many aspects.  Cost per hour of instruction, cost of infrastructure, cost of educational products, etc.; they are all there.  However, in the sense of open source, schools may indeed have been to the cathedral.  So much so, that they cannot separate themselves from the “church”.  The reason is simple.  Those who run our schools, i.e., school boards, administrators, parents, and others, are afraid or inept of the use of technology.   Therefore, they pay someone else to do their job and substantiate their responsibilities.  The teachers in the trenches do not have that prerogative.  We have to become technologically expert.

Before Microsoft (MS) established itself as the operating system of choice, software and the code behind it came in this manner, hand to hand, computer to computer.  It was IBM’s intent to retain open source distribution, but people began buying computers and marketers saw great opportunity.  Thanks to you, Mr. Gates.  The hallmark of the MS success has been that their operating systems are almost everything to everybody.  However, that is the main reason not to have the MS operating systems.  They are authored to fit everyone’s purpose without sufficient specificity.  Therefore, open source software could, in theory, overcome that issue.  It will be modified to fit specific purposes.  The MS operating systems cannot because their source codes are proprietary, therefore, unattainable...

 The implications of open source software for the future provide interest, to say the least.  No longer will school administrations be subject to unscrupulous vendors who take advantage of the situation and rob our students of all of the value of their education.  Yes, administrators will have to dedicate people to provide open source materials instead of relying on the business to keep our students best interests in mind.  Of course, this will require a radical change in our systems and the way they run.  As we all know, education is one of the last institutions to affect change due to bureaucratic attitudes.

I had just begun to understand what Open Source was, and had begun to think of the educational possibilities when I read Bezroukov’s critique of “Open Source Software Development as a Special Type of Academic Research”, recommended by Chip on 10/8/99.  I also realize that Open Source cannot be modified to fit everyone’s needs because not everyone is capable of doing the modifications.  Now I am becoming aware of the multitude of problems that Open Source may “open up.”

Seminar Digitale Gesellschaft -- Open Source (German)

L'Etat d'Internet 1999 Logiciel libre, « open source » et Linux (French)
Re:Irking (Score:0)
by Anonymous Coward on Monday January 31, @11:44AM EST (#43)
It is most likely that CMU has been pretty carefull about patents and stuff. I would think/hope that universities learned their lesson when AT&T tried fucking with Berkely about BSD. It would be pretty stupid of CMU to release something with out letting their lawyers give the go-ahead.

As for /. encouraging people to download the stuff one can argue in true Raymondism that they are a mother station to a gift culture that tries to protect people from patent bullies and encourages intellectual advance.

Other References:

Early Critique of  "The Cathedral and the Bazaar"

Sorry, but due to size this part of the page was moves to a separate file.

Copyright © 1996-2004 by Nikolai Bezroukov. was created as a service to the UN Sustainable Development Networking Programme (SDNP) in the author free time. Submit comments

This document is an industrial compilation designed and created exclusively for educational use and is placed under the copyright of the Open Content License(OPL). Original materials copyright belong to respective owners. Quotes are made for educational purposes only in compliance with the fair use doctrine.

Standard disclaimer: The statements, views and opinions presented on this web page are those of the author and are not endorsed by, nor do they necessarily reflect, the opinions of the author present and former employers, SDNP or any other organization the author may be associated with. We do not warrant the correctness of the information provided or its fitness for any purpose.


Late critique of  of  "The Cathedral and the Bazaar"
(after publication of the papers)

FreeBSD Mail Archives "As to fetchmail: it is an abomination before God.  If someone in the press ever paid for an audit of the source code, the result would refute the paper "The Cathedral and the Bazaar" to such an extent that it could damage the Open Source movement, which has pinned so much on the paper, in ill-considered haste."

Date:      Sat, 17 Feb 2001 23:49:58 +0000 (GMT)
From:      Terry Lambert <>
To: (Peter Pentchev)
Subject:   UUCP must stay; fetchmail sucks (was list 'o things)
Message-ID:  <>
In-Reply-To: <> from "Peter Pentchev" at Feb 17, 2001 05:30:19 PM

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> Just a minor comment-with-a-question.  What is UUCP used for - mainly mail?
> If so, then here's a datapoint - about two years ago I took part in
> converting an existing UUCP mail transfer config to one using fetchmail.
> Quite simple - invoke fetchmail -d from the PPP link-up script, kill it
> in the link-down script in such a way that it sends a QUIT to avoid
> message duplicates.  There were a couple of other issues too, but in
> the end, it all started working, and it's been working flawlessly for
> the past two years.

UCP belongs in the base system; you can skip the rest of this, if
you are not interested in the gory details of UUCP vs. fetchmail.


UUCP is the UNIX-UNIX Copy Program.  It is used for copying files
around.  I formerly used it to copy TCP/IP and other packages to
SVR4 boxes, since it was faster to do it over a null-modem cable
than to use floppies.

Primarily, it is used for email and usenet in areas of poor
connectivity.  The UUCP 'g' protocol is much more forgiving
of noise than PPP or SL/IP over the same noisy connection.

-- A tangential diatribe on the unsuitability of fetchmail -------

As to fetchmail: it is an abomination before God.  If someone in
the press ever paid for an audit of the source code, the result
would refute the paper "The Cathedral and the Bazaar" to such an
extent that it could damage the Open Source movement, which has
pinned so much on the paper, in ill-considered haste.

ESR has constantly maintained that fetchmail is "not an MTA", and
he is right: it could be, but it's not.

When mail is delivered to a POP3 maildrop, envelope information
is destroyed.  To combat this, you would need to tunnel the
enveleope information in headers.  Generally, sendmail does not
support "X-Envelope-To:" because it exposes "Bcc:" recipients,
since fetchmail-like programs generally _stupidly_ do not strip
such headers before local re-injection of the email.

Without this information, it can not recover the intended
recipient of the email.  The fetchmail program delivers this
mail to "root".

The program has another bug, even if you elect single message
delivery (in order to ensure a "for <user@domain>" in the
"Received:" timestamp line.  The bug is that it assumes the
machine from which the download is occurring is a valid MX for
your domain.  Many ISPs use one machine to do the virtual domain
expansion, and another to do final deliver into ISP hosts POP3
maildrops.  The net effect of this is that it attempts to use
the "for <domain-account@isphost>" stamp, since it does not
reverse-priority order "Received:" timestamp lines.

Similarly, fetchmail fails to order headers in "confidence"
order.  This means that, given an email with a "valid" (MX
matches in the "by <MX>" and a "for <user@domain>" exists)
"Received:" timestamp line, a "To:", "Cc:", or "Bcc:" line, or
an "X-Envelope-To:" line (which must be configured, and which
is terrifically screwed up by qmail, requiring un-munging),
fetchmail -- takes the first one it sees, not the most correct

Using the "To:", "Cc:", or "Bcc:" lines ("data") to do the
delivery buys a spammer the ability to relay mail, though the
route it must take is rather circuitous.  It also means that
if the "Bcc:" was properly stripped before handing the RFC 822
message to an MTA, or if you are a list recipient, that data
is useless for recovering envelope information.  This means
that root gets all mailing list mail from lists which do not
do recipient rewriting (like the SVBUG list does), and root
also gets all mail addressed to non-existant local users that
was intended for particular local users (all SPAM and all
mail that was requested but not sent specifically targetted to
a particular user, via email header data).

Unfortunately, ESR would not accept patches for the mistaken
MX problem, nor for the preference order problem, nor for the
tunneled envelope information stripping problem.  He seemed to
be too busy with speaking engagements, and has since declared
fetchmail to be in "maintenance mode", in order to demonstrate
a recognizable commercial software lifecycle for an Open Source
project, to give business the warm fuzzies.

-- End diatribe ------------------------------------------------

UUCP, comparatively, avoids this whole mess, by not destroying
the envelope information, which normally exists only on on a
mail transport (in SMTP, this is the "MAIL FROM:<addrspec>" and
"RCPT TO:<addrspec>"; in UUCP, it's the control file contents).

					Terry Lambert
Any opinions in this posting are my own and not those of my present
or previous employers.

To Unsubscribe: send mail to
with "unsubscribe freebsd-arch" in the body of the message

The Emperor Has No Clothes

"Today I am one of the senior technical cadre that makes the Internet work, and a core Linux and open-source developer."

---Eric S. Raymond

Shut Up And Show Them The Code

Several years ago ESR's advice to RMS , no less, was to "shut up and show them the code". Let us apply the method of the master to the master himself, by examining the code that backs up the grand declaration that heads this page.

Core Linux Developer?

Hmm, easy to check. Let's see, shall we?

$ sed -n '/Eric S. Raymond/,/^$/p' /usr/src/linux/CREDITS
N: Eric S. Raymond
D: terminfo master file maintainer
D: Editor: Installation HOWTO, Distributions HOWTO, XFree86 HOWTO
D: Author: fetchmail, Emacs VC mode, Emacs GUD mode
S: 6 Karen Drive
S: Malvern, Pennsylvania 19355

So: terminfo database, maintainer of; three howtos, writer of; fetchmail, coder of; A bunch of emacs macros, coder of. Core Linux developer, did he say? Core Linux developer, even?


"one of the senior technical cadre that makes the Internet work". That had me puzzled. Then the penny dropped: translated out of ESR-speak, this means "I wrote fetchmail"! In reality he didn't, he took over an existing program called "popclient", and added some bells and whistle, but let's leave that aside. The work doesn't really match the self-description, does it?

        ... ... ...

"Hacking Social Systems"; or, how to lose friends and alienate people

ESR's announcement of his CML2 project on linux-kernel sparked the first of several flame wars on the subject. These were notable for our hero's complete lack of ability to work with other people. Matters came to a head when ESR adopted some rather "cathedral-like" tactics . Eventually, kernel hackers simply gave up trying to reason with him .

"Note that kbuild 2.5 and CML2 are independent, each can function without the other, complaints about CML2 have nothing to do with kbuild 2.5."

---Keith Owens, kbuild maintainer

So CML2 would seem to be finally dead and buried .

Always scribble, scribble, scribble, eh, Mr Raymond?

The Jargon File

The original jargon file was maintained on MIT-AI for many years before being published by Guy Steele and others as the Hackers's Dictionary. Many years after the original book went out of print ESR picked it up, updated it and republished it as the New Hacker's Dictionary.

Picked up, updated... and destroyed, in one hacker's judgement. Another goes so far as to say that "the "author" stole the Jargon File fair and square.".

Although the "author" is a noted advocate of "Open Source" (that's Free Software to you and me), the production of successive versions of the jargon file is not open. That's bogus.

Cathedrals, Cauldrons, and... Charlatans

ESR, notwithstanding his limited experience (see above), has written copiously on the right way and the wrong way to do software development. But his three long essays are summed up nicely in one phrase: "Vulgar Raymondism" .

An entry you'll never see in the "jargon file":

Raymondism: The deluded belief that free software defies Brooks' law, has fewer security exploits than non-free software and that just because thousands of people have access to the source code those same thousands of people will actually examine it."

And Then He Finally Lost It

"Now, you have an unprecedented opportunity to witness one man's descent into insanity online. Apparently having begun his "journey" by dressing up as James Bond and pretending his CD is a gun, computer nerd Eric S. Raymond has been on a slide into insanity ever since.

"His descent into insanity is exemplified by a series of posts, so self-evident in their detachment from reality, that they really require no commentary. Over at his site, Raymond has been going through the motions of putting together an Idiotarian Manifesto or some such. He's been trying to get the words right, trying to work out whether the terrorists, who he defines rather broadly, are "feral beasts" or "rabid dogs". This manifesto is the latest in a long line of ridiculous offerings from Raymond, beginning with his series of factually-challenged screeds ranting and raving about the evils of Islam and the hitherto unknown spectre of "Islamofacism"."

Read more at Warblogger Watch .

ESR Watch

Sun Jun 8 2003

From NTK comes this blast:

Good to see the increasingly eccentric ERIC S RAYMOND keeping himself occupied these days. His latest tweaks: a version bump or two to the JARGON FILE, the ancient hacker bible of which he is current custodian. But how steady is his hand on the sacred tome? Worrying is esr's recent inclusion of unfamiliar terms like "Aunt Tillie" and "GandhiCon", which on closer search-engine examination, appear to have been used almost exclusively by Raymond himself. And esr's current expansions of hacker dialect is curious too. New terms include "fisking" - a term pretty much restricted to the warblogosphere, and defined by your impartial host as "Named after a Robert Fisk, a British journalist who was a frequent (and deserving) early target of such treatment". Also included is "anti-idiotarianism", as in Eric's Anti-Idiotarian Manifesto, a fascinating call to arms that implies "Anti-Idiotarian" means "To be against listening to anyone who would tell you you're sounding like an idiot these days". Finally (and not included in the changelogs), Eric has tweaked the Hacker Politics page, from its previous description as "vaguely liberal-moderate" to "moderate-to-neoconservative (hackers too were affected by the collapse of socialism)". Go tell that to the Kuro5hinners, Eric. Recalling Raymond's familiar defence of previous changes, "rather than complaining that I am 'rewriting history', help me write it!", let it be noted that if someone did want to fork the Jargon File, now would be the time to do it. Raymond's previous googlejuice at has been cast to the winds. A new, reformatted and popularly linked-to upstart could quickly seize the top Google slot. Ha, ha, as we apparently all say, only serious.

Mon Jun 23 2003

The Jargon File Lexicon .

Even though Eric Raymond makes the hypertext freely available, he does not make the tools and masters that generate the hypertext freely available. It's bogus, and there's no apology. That's not very open-source.

Open source is designed to advance the intellectual property of the corporation at the expense of effort by individuals outside the corporation. As such, it falls under corporatism, as defined in John Ralston Saul's dictionary The Doubter's Companion.

Could a community-maintained Wiki replace the jargon file?

Copyright © 1996-2004 by Nikolai Bezroukov. was created as a service to the UN Sustainable Development Networking Programme (SDNP) in the author free time. Submit comments

This document is an industrial compilation designed and created exclusively for educational use and is placed under the copyright of the Open Content License(OPL). Original materials copyright belong to respective owners. Quotes are made for educational purposes only in compliance with the fair use doctrine.

Standard disclaimer: The statements, views and opinions presented on this web page are those of the author and are not endorsed by, nor do they necessarily reflect, the opinions of the author present and former employers, SDNP or any other organization the author may be associated with. We do not warrant the correctness of the information provided or its fitness for any purpose.

Created June 1, 1998; Last modified: October 17, 2004