BHOSLIB: Benchmarks with Hidden Optimum Solutions for Graph Problems (Independent Set, Vertex Cover, Clique and Vertex Coloring)
------ Hiding Exact Solutions in Random Graphs
If you have any comments or need more instances for the following benchmarks, please send me an email.
Maximum Independent Set (MIS) and Minimum Vertex Cover (MVC)
The MIS and MVC benchmarks provided on this page are directly transformed from forced satisfiable SAT benchmarks of Model RB, with the set of vertices and the set of edges respectively corresponding to the set of variables and the set of binary clauses in SAT instances (Thanks to Klaus D. Witzel for bringing our attention to this transformation). In fact, based on Model RB and this transformation, we can get a new random graph model as follows:
- Generate n disjoint cliques, each of which has nα vertices (where α>0 is a constant);
- Randomly select two different cliques and then generate without repetitions pn2α random edges between these two cliques (where 0<p<1 is a constant);
- Run Step 2 (with repetitions) for another rnlnn-1 times (where r>0 is a constant).
It is easy to see that for the graph model above, the size of maximum independent sets is at most n. Interestingly, determining if such a upper bound can be reached is equivalent to determining the satisfiability of the corresponding CSP and SAT instances of Model RB, and there is a one-to-one mapping between the solutions of these two problems. To hide an independent set of size n in the instances of this graph model, we first select a vertex at random from each disjoint clique to form an independent set of size n, and then in the above process of generating random edges, no edge is allowed to violate this maximum independent set. From the results of the paper "Many Hard Examples in Exact Phase Transitions with Application to Generating Hard Satisfiable Instances", it is expected that this method can be used to generate hard instances for graph algorithms (by use of the hardness of phase transitions, i.e. choosing appropriate values of α, p and r), and thus can have potential applications in cryptography.
Note: All the benchmarks provided on this page are expressed in the DIMACS graph format.
- frb30-15-mis.tar.gz ( 205 KB): 450 vertices (30 cliques) - 5 instances, with the size of the MIS = 30 and the size of the MVC = 420
- frb35-17-mis.tar.gz ( 319 KB): 595 vertices (35 cliques) - 5 instances, with the size of the MIS = 35 and the size of the MVC = 560
- frb40-19-mis.tar.gz ( 470 KB): 760 vertices (40 cliques) - 5 instances, with the size of the MIS = 40 and the size of the MVC = 720
- frb45-21-mis.tar.gz ( 666 KB): 945 vertices (45 cliques) - 5 instances, with the size of the MIS = 45 and the size of the MVC = 900
- frb50-23-mis.tar.gz ( 930 KB): 1150 vertices (50 cliques) - 5 instances, with the size of the MIS = 50 and the size of the MVC = 1100
- frb53-24-mis.tar.gz (1094 KB): 1272 vertices (53 cliques) - 5 instances, with the size of the MIS = 53 and the size of the MVC = 1219
- frb56-25-mis.tar.gz (1279 KB): 1400 vertices (56 cliques) - 5 instances, with the size of the MIS = 56 and the size of the MVC = 1344
- frb59-26-mis.tar.gz (1478 KB): 1534 vertices (59 cliques) - 5 instances, with the size of the MIS = 59 and the size of the MVC = 1475
Maximum Clique and Vertex Coloring
The following benchmarks are the complements of the graph instances above.
- frb30-15-clq.tar.gz ( 914 KB): 450 vertices - 5 instances, with both the maximum clique size and the chromatic number = 30
- frb35-17-clq.tar.gz ( 1599 KB): 595 vertices - 5 instances, with both the maximum clique size and the chromatic number = 35
- frb40-19-clq.tar.gz ( 2647 KB): 760 vertices - 5 instances, with both the maximum clique size and the chromatic number = 40
- frb45-21-clq.tar.gz ( 4085 KB): 945 vertices - 5 instances, with both the maximum clique size and the chromatic number = 45
- frb50-23-clq.tar.gz ( 6444 KB): 1150 vertices - 5 instances, with both the maximum clique size and the chromatic number = 50
- frb53-24-clq.tar.gz ( 7979 KB): 1272 vertices - 5 instances, with both the maximum clique size and the chromatic number = 53
- frb56-25-clq.tar.gz ( 9774 KB): 1400 vertices - 5 instances, with both the maximum clique size and the chromatic number = 56
- frb59-26-clq.tar.gz (11890 KB): 1534 vertices - 5 instances, with both the maximum clique size and the chromatic number = 59
Remark: As mentioned before, finding optimum solutions to the above graph instances is equivalent to finding solutions to the corresponding forced satisfiable CSP and SAT instances of Model RB. It is worth noting that some corresponding SAT benchmarks of the above instances were used for SAT Competition 2004 (55 solvers). The results are summarized as follows (Note: Instances differing only in the suffix are equivalent, e.g. frb40-19-1.clq and frb40-19-1.cnf):
- frb40-19-1.cnf: solved by 28 solvers. frb40-19-2.cnf: solved by 27 solvers.
- frb45-21-1.cnf: solved by 8 solvers. frb45-21-2.cnf: solved by 5 solvers.
- frb50-23-1.cnf: solved by 1 solver. frb50-23-2.cnf: solved by 1 solver.
- frb53-24-1.cnf: unsolved. frb53-24-2.cnf: unsolved.
- frb56-25-1.cnf: unsolved. frb56-25-2.cnf: unsolved.
- frb59-26-1.cnf: unsolved. frb59-26-2.cnf: unsolved.
Forced Satisfiable CSP and SAT Benchmarks of Model RB
Pseudo-Boolean Benchmarks with Hidden Optimum Solutions
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Date Created: April 20, 2004. Last Updated: June 8, 2004.