| LEON2 is a synthesisable VHDL model of a 32-bit processor compliant with the SPARC V8 architecture. The model is highly configurable, and particularly suitable for system-on-a-chip (SOC) designs. The full source code is available under the GNU LGPL license, allowing free and unlimited use in both research and commercial applications.
The LEON2 processor has the following features: - SPARC V8 compliant integer unit with 5-stage pipeline
- Hardware multiply, divide and MAC units
- Interface to the Meiko FPU and custom co-processors
- Separate instruction and data cache (Hardvard architecture)
- Set-associative caches: 1 - 4 sets, 1 - 64 kbytes/set. Random, LRR or LRU replacement
- Data cache snooping
- AMBA-2.0 AHB and APB on-chip buses
- 8/16/32-bits memory controller for external PROM and SRAM
- 32-bits PC133 SDRAM controller
- On-chip peripherals such as uarts, timers, interrupt controller and 16-bit I/O port
- Advanced on-chip debug support unit and trace buffer
- Power-down mode
The version of the processor adds the following features: 
The processor is extensively configurable and can be efficiently implemented on both FPGAs and ASIC technologies. The only technology-specific mega-cells needed are ram cells for caches and register file.
The model comes with a generic testbench and test program, and includes support files for the Synopsys VSS and Modelsim simulators. It also features a built-in disassembler for debug purposes. Below is a screen-shot of LEON being simulated in modelsim. (click on image for full view). The VHDL model is fully synthesisable and contains synthesis scripts for Synopsys FPGA-Compiler, Synopsys-DC, Synplify and Xilinx XST (-xst version of leon only). Targeting a 0.25 um CMOS process (std-cell), more than 125 MHz can be reached with a gate count of less than 30 Kgates. The processor also fits in an Altera 10K200E FPGA or Xilinx XCV300. Synthesis is straight-forward thanks to the robust design style: fully synchronous, single clock, no false paths, all inputs and outputs are latched. A paper describing the coding style used in LEON can be found here.
The following synthesis results have been achieved:
Technology | Area | Timing | Atmel 0.18 CMOS std-cell | 35K gates + RAM | 165 MHz (pre-layout) | Atmel 0.25 CMOS std-cell | 33K gates + RAM | 140 MHz (pre-layout, log file) | UMC 0.25 CMOS std-cell
| 35K gates + RAM
| 130 MHz (pre-layout)
| Atmel 0.35 CMOS std-cell | 2 mm2 + RAM | 65 MHz (pre-layout, log file) | Xilinx XC2V3000-6 | 5,000 LUT + block RAM | 80 MHz (post-layout, log1, log2) | Altera 20K200C-7
| 5,700 LCELLs + EAB RAM
| 49 MHz (post-layout) log file
| Actel AX1000-3
| 7,600 cells + RAM
| 48 MHz (post-layout) log file
The area in the table reflects the complete processor with on-chip peripherals and memory controller. The area of the processor core only (IU + cache controllers) is about half of that. The timing for the ASIC technologies has been obtained using worst-case process corner and industrial temperature range.
The VHDL model can now be configured using a graphical tool built on tkconfig from the linux kernel. This allows new users to quickly define a suitable custom configuration. Below is a snapshot of the tool under linux (click on image for larger view):

The LEON2 processor has been formally certified by SPARC international as being SPARC V8 compliant. The certification was achived on April 2, 2003, and was co-sponsored by ESA and Silicon and Software Systems.
Being SPARC V8 compliant, compilers and kernels for SPARC V8 can be used with LEON (kernels will need a LEON bsp). To simplify initial software development, Gaisler Research is providing LECCS, a free C/C++ cross-compiler system based on gcc and the RTEMS real-time kernel. LECCS allows cross-compilation of single or multi-treaded C and C++ applications for both LEON and ERC32. Using the gdb debugger, it is possible to perform source-level symbolic debugging, either on a simulator or using real target hardware. Gaisler Research also provides TSIM, a high-performance LEON simulator which seamlessly can be attached to gdb and emulate a LEON system at more than 10 MIPS. A LEON (and ERC32) port to the eCos real-time kernel has been made, and is included in the current eCos v2.0 CVS repository. The binaries are compatible with TSIM, mkprom, rdbmon and DSUMON. No support for a hardware FPU is currently provided, but emulated FP operations using -msoft-float works fine. The LEON target package is called leon, you should thus use ecosconfig new leon to create a leon configuration. For further information on eCos, see the eCos documentation page. Those interested in JAVA on LEON can take a look at the UCLA Thumbod project. Thumbpod is based on LEON and uses KVM from Sun to execute the java-based application software. LINUX support for LEON is provided through a special version of the SnapGear Embedded Linux distribution. SnapGear Linux is a full source package, containing kernel, libraries and application code for rapid development of embedded Linux systems. The LEON port of SnapGear supports both MMU and non-MMU LEON configurations, as well as the optional V8 mul/div instructions and floating-point unit (FPU). A single cross-compilation tool-chain is provided which is capable of compiling the kernel and applications for any configuration.
The advanced Debug Support Unit (DSU) in LEON2 allows non-intrusive debugging and tracing of applications running on LEON target hardware. The DSU can insert both breakpoints and data watchpoints, and provides full access to all on-chip registers and buses. A trace buffer makes it possible to trace executed instructions, AHB bus transfers, or both. The DSU communicates with an outside monitor through a dedicated uart, and does not need any (expensive) special hardware. Gaisler Research provides the multi-platform monitor GRMON that supports both stand-alone debugging as well as an interface to the GDB debugger.
Using the Dhrystone 2.1 benchmark, LEON executes around 1,500 dhrystones/s/MHz. This translates to roughly 0.85 dhrystone MIPS/MHz. Configurations with hardware mul/div and larger caches usually performs somewhat better. The dhrystone benchmark was compiled with LECCS-1.1.5 (gcc-2.95.3) using -O2 optimisation.
Below are a few LEON ASIC implementations made by various companies and research institutions. Click on the links for further details.
A rad-hard LEON2-FT implementation is being developed by Atmel under ESA contract.
A family of LEON2 based devices for consumer and military applications is availble from Orbita.
NEW: a list of research projects using LEON is available here.
Gaisler Research and Pender Electronic Design have developed a low-cost FPGA prototyping board suitable for LEON development. The board includes a Virtex-II XC2V3000 FPGA, 8 Mbyte flash prom, 1 Mbyte SRAM and 64 Mbyte PC133 SDRAM. The board has a PCI form factor and can be used stand-alone as well as inserted in a legacy PC. Two 120-pin connectors are provided for custom expansion. Boards with larger FPGAs as well as LEON ASIC implementations are also available. For more information, see the boards page.

The LEON VHDL model is provided under the GNU LGPL license. To download, proceed to the download page.
Two email lists are available for those interested in the LEON development and utilisation. - leon_sparc is a general list discussing all aspects of leon utilisation, synthesis and software development.
- leon_announce is a read-only list announcing new leon releases or bug fixes.
* SPARC is a registered trademark of SPARC International.
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