General terms and conditions for use of the VPR and T-VPack / VPack software.
- The software programs comprising "T-VPack" (formerly "VPack") and "VPR" and the documentation provided with them are copyright Vaughn Betz, Alexander (Sandy) Marquardt, Jonathan Rose and the University of Toronto.
- Only non-commercial, not-for-profit use of this software is permitted. No part of this software may be incorporated into a commercial product without the written consent of the authors (Vaughn Betz, Alexander (Sandy) Marquardt and Jonathan Rose). Similarly, use of this software to assist in the development of new commercial FPGA architectures is prohibited, unless the written consent of the authors is obtained.
- This software is provided "as is" with no warranties or guarantees of support.
- All users of the software must "register" by taking an official copy from this site. Users agree to abide by this condition by not redistributing their registered copy of the software to other persons.
- You may modify or use the source code for other non-commercial, not-for-profit research endeavours, provided that all copyright attribution on the source code is retained, and the original or modified source code is not redistributed, in whole or in part, or included in or with any commercial product, except by written agreement with the authors, and full and complete attribution for use of the code is given in any resulting publications.
- Subject to these conditions, the software is provided free of charge to all interested parties.
Donations in the form of research grants to promote further research and development on the tools will be gladly accepted, either anonymously or with attribution on our future publications.
Accept these conditions and continue.
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