![[Book cover]](http://www.eecg.toronto.edu/~vaughn/book/cover.jpg) | Architecture and CAD for Deep-Submicron FPGAs, V. Betz, J. Rose, and A. Marquardt, Kluwer Academic Publishers, February 1999. 264 pages. ISBN 0-7923-8460-1 This book covers the recent research of Jonathan Rose, Alexander (Sandy) Marquardt and myself into both FPGA architecture and Computer-Aided Design tools. As well, Architecture and CAD for Deep-Submicron FPGAs explains and explores the circuit and layout issues that are crucial in the design of real-world FPGAs. Read the text from the back cover of the book. Order online from Kluwer Academic Publishers. |
Other Publications:- D. Lewis, V. Betz, D. Jefferson, A. Lee, C. Lane, P. Leventis, S. Marquardt, C. McClintock, B. Pedersen, G. Powell, S. Reddy, C. Wysocki, R. Cliff and J. Rose, ``The Stratix Routing and Logic Architecture,'' ACM/Sigda International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays, February 2003, pp. 12 - 20. [Abstract] [PDF]
- A. Marquardt, V. Betz and J. Rose, ``Speed and Area Tradeoffs in Cluster-Based FPGA Architectures,'' IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems, February 2000, pp. 84 - 93. [Abstract] [PDF] [Gzipped Postscript]
- V. Betz and J. Rose, ``Automatic Generation of FPGA Routing Architectures from High-Level Descriptions,'' ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate Arrays, Monterey, CA, February 2000, pp. 175 - 184. [Abstract] [PDF] [Gzipped Postscript]
- A. Marquardt, V. Betz and J. Rose, ``Timing-Driven Placement for FPGAs,'' ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate Arrays, Monterey, CA, February 2000, pp. 203 - 213. [Abstract] [PDF] [Gzipped Postscript]
- V. Betz and J. Rose, ``Circuit Design, Transistor Sizing and Wire Layout of FPGA Interconnect,'' IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, San Diego, CA, May 1999, pp. 171 - 174. [Abstract] [PDF] [Gzipped PostScript]
- V. Betz and J. Rose, ``FPGA Routing Architecture: Segmentation and Buffering to Optimize Speed and Density,''ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate Arrays, Monterey, CA, February 1999, pp. 59 - 68. [Abstract] [PDF] [Gzipped Postscript]
- A. Marquardt, V. Betz and J. Rose, ``Using Cluster-Based Logic Blocks and Timing-Driven Packing to Improve FPGA Speed and Density,'' ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate Arrays, Monterey, CA, February 1999, pp. 37 - 46. [Abstract] [PDF] [Gzipped Postscript]
- V. Betz and J. Rose, ``Effect of the Prefabricated Routing Track Distribution on FPGA Area-Efficiency,'' IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems, September 1998, pp. 445 - 456. [Abstract] [PDF] [Gzipped Postscript]
- V. Betz and J. Rose, ``How Much Logic Should Go in an FPGA Logic Block?,'' IEEE Design and Test Magazine, Spring 1998, pp. 10 - 15. [Abstract] [PDF] [Gzipped Postscript]
- J. Swartz, V. Betz and J. Rose, ``A Fast Routability-Driven Router for FPGAs,'' ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate Arrays, Monterey, CA, 1998, pp. 140 - 149. [Abstract] [PDF] [Gzipped Postscript]
- V. Betz and J. Rose, ``VPR: A New Packing, Placement and Routing Tool for FPGA Research,'' Seventh International Workshop on Field-Programmable Logic and Applications, London, UK, 1997, pp. 213 - 222. [Abstract] [PDF] [Gzipped Postscript]
- V. Betz and J. Rose, ``Cluster-Based Logic Blocks for FPGAs: Area-Efficiency vs. Input Sharing and Size,'' IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, Santa Clara, CA, 1997, pp. 551 - 554. [Abstract] [PDF] [Gzipped Postscript]
- V. Betz and J. Rose, ``Directional Bias and Non-Uniformity in FPGA Global Routing Architectures,'' IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, San Jose, CA, 1996, pp. 652 - 659. [Abstract] [PDF] [Gzipped Postscript]
- V. Betz and J. Rose, ``Using Architectural Families to Increase FPGA Speed and Density,'' ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays, Monterey, CA, 1995, pp. 10 - 16. [Abstract] [PDF] [Gzipped Postscript]
- V. Betz and R. Mittra, ``A Boundary Condition to Absorb Both Propagating and Evanescent Waves in a Finite-Difference Time-Domain Simulation,'' IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters, June 1993, pp. 182 - 184.
- V. Betz and R. Mittra, ``Comparison and Evaluation of Boundary Conditions for the Absorption of Guided Waves in an FDTD Simulation,'' IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters, Dec. 1992, pp. 499 - 501.
- V. Betz, N. P. East and A. Sebak, ``Applications of Planar Near-Field Measurements to Electromagnetic Radiation and Interference Problems,'' Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, Montreal, PQ, 1991, pp. 72.1.1 - 72.1.4.
Patents:- J. Rose and V. Betz, ``Complementary Architectures for Field-Programmable Gate Arrays,'' U.S. Patent #5,537,341, filed Feb. 10, 1995, issued July 16, 1996.
Theses and Technical Reports:- V. Betz and J. Rose, ``Architecture and CAD for the Speed and Area Optimization of FPGAs,'' Ph.D. Dissertation University of Toronto, 1998.
- V. Betz and J. Rose, ``On Biased and Non-Uniform Global Routing Architectures and CAD Tools for FPGAs,'' CSRI Technical Report #358, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Toronto, 1996. [Abstract] [PDF] [Gzipped Postscript]
- V. Betz and R. Mittra, ``Absorbing Boundary Conditions for the Finite-Difference Time-Domain Analysis of Guided-Wave Structures,'' M.S. Thesis, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1993.
- V. Betz, N. P. East, and A. Sebak, ``Calculation of Far-Field Radiation Pattern from Near-Field Antenna Measurements,'' B.Sc. Thesis, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Manitoba, 1991.
Interesting Courses:TRPOS: A 56 000 transistor full-custom VLSI design. Integrated Circuit Fabrication: A wafer I processed and patterned from initial degreasing (cleaning) to final metallization and performance test.
The Package Deal: A quantum leap in collective bargaining!
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