LGSynth'93 Benchmark Information

These benchmark sets were originally archived at CBL primarily for retrieval by ftp. The organization of the benchmark directories reflects this. Though we have tried to provide means for browsing through any available information about each benchmark set over the World Wide Web, and also for accessing the entire benchmark set as a single compressed tar file, the easiest way to access these benchmarks might still be by anonymous ftp from 'cbl.ncsu.edu' or 'mcnc.org', (IP numbers, or

For more information about these and other CAD benchmark sets, please send e-mail to 'benchmarks@cbl.ncsu.edu', or see the following documents:

LGSynth93 Read-Me File
This is an ASCII document containing information about the LGSynth93 benchmark circuits, and about benchmark access.

LGSynth '93 Benchmark Documentation.
PostScript document which provides information about the LGSynth '93 benchmark examples. The text of this document is reproduced in it's entirety in the the LGSynth93 Read-Me File mentioned above.

LGSynth93 Benchmark Suite
Link to access a tar file containing compressed files of the entire LGSynth93 benchmark suite. This file is about 11MB large. Please make sure you have enough memory before downloading.

LGSynth93 Benchmark Directory
Link to access the LGSynth93 benchmark directory. If your browser accepts "ftp:" URLs, then this link will allow you to browse the benchmark directory, list contents, read text files, and retrieve individual tar/tar.Z files by ftp. Please note, however, that once you enter the benchmark directory, there will be no link back to this page or the CBL home page. In order to return to these pages you would have to use the back or previous page menu item on your browser.

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Last Revision: 12/29/94 - by sengupta@cbl.ncsu.edu

Last modified: Tuesday, March 25 1997.