UCLID: A Verification Tool for Infinite-State Systems
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UCLID (pronounced "Euclid") is a tool for verifying infinite-state systems. UCLID models systems using an arithmetic of counters, uninterpreted terms, and restricted lambda expressions. UCLID can be used in two ways:
- As a verifier, for term-level bounded model checking, correspondence checking, and deductive verification.
- As a stand-alone decision procedure for the theories of uninterpreted functions and equality, separation predicates, and arrays. UCLID can also handle limited forms of quantification.
The people involved in theory and implementation of UCLID are Randal E. Bryant, Shuvendu K. Lahiri, and Sanjit A. Seshia. Download UCLID
UCLID version 1.0 (alpha) has been released.
(Disclaimer, Copyright ) We currently have a bytecode distribution, containing documentation, examples, and bytecode. [uclid_1_0_bc.tar.gz - size 406 KB expands to 1.2 MB]. Currently version 1.0 is only available for Linux (kernel 2.2.0 and higher versions -- Redhat 6.2 and higher). Installation instructions are in the README file. Version 1.0 uses Ofer Strichman's psep library.
We have discontinued distrbution of the old version 0.1.
UCLID is largely implemented in Moscow ML. To use UCLID, you will also need to download and install the following support software before installing UCLID:
- Moscow ML, version 2.00 or higher
- The Chaff SAT checker, mChaff and zChaff versions. Note that UCLID version 0.1 only works with mChaff.
- The GRASP SAT solver. It might be easier to install the binary than to compile from sources.
- The MuDDy BDD package, v1.7 or higher. Important: We recommend using MuDDy ver1.7, withthis patch.
- Perl version 5.0 or higher
The UCLID configuration script will need the location of some of these packages.The installation of UCLID and all its support packages will need about 40MB of free disk space. Note: The SAT checkers need not be installed before you install UCLID. However, we recommend installing atleast one SAT checker because, in our experience, Chaff and GRASP perform better than the MuDDy BDD package. UCLID Papers and Documentation
The UCLID user manual is included in the distribution. You can also get it by clicking here (ps, pdf). Here are some relevant publications:
- Randal E. Bryant, Shuvendu K. Lahiri, and Sanjit A. Seshia.
- In Proc. Computer-Aided Verification (CAV), July 2002.
- This paper presents the CLU logic and describes a small-domain encoding based decision procedure used within UCLID.
- Randal E. Bryant, Shuvendu K. Lahiri, and Sanjit A. Seshia.
- In Proc. Intl. Workshop on Constraints in Formal Verification ,September 2002. Associated with Intl. Conf. on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming.
- This paper describes three variants of a decision procedure for CLU and presents an empirical evaluation based on several benchmarks.
- Shuvendu K. Lahiri, Sanjit A. Seshia, and Randal E. Bryant.
- In Proc. Intl. Conf. on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD), LNCS 2517, pages 142-159, November 2002.
- This paper describes a case study and methodology of using UCLID for the modeling and verification of out-of-order processor designs.
- Sanjit A. Seshia, Shuvendu K. Lahiri, and Randal E. Bryant.
- In Proc. 40th Design Automation Conference (DAC), pages 425-430, June 2003.
- This paper describes an enhanced version of UCLID's decision procedure that uses a Boolean encoding technique customized for each formula.
- Randal E. Bryant, Shuvendu K. Lahiri, and Sanjit A. Seshia.
- 12th Conference on Correct Hardware Design and Verification Methods (CHARME), October 2003 (to appear).
- This paper describes a method to detect convergence (fix-point) for bounded model checking of UCLID models. A new formal definition of convergence is presented and we present a sound translation to Quantified Separation Logic (QSL) to detect the convergence.
Example UCLID models
Here are some examples of UCLID specifications that are mentioned in our CAV'02 and FMCAD'02 papers: - Out-of-order Execution Unit
- DLX Pipelined Processor
- Steven German's cache coherence protocol: Buggy version 1 and Buggy version 2
Benchmarks formulas generated from UCLID
Here are tarred-gzipped files containing some benchmark formulas in different formats (as given below): Feedback
We are very interested in getting feedback from users. Please email us comments and bug-reports.
In a bug-report, please report the following information:
1. The specification file
2. The output generated, including any error messages
3. The hardware and software platforms the run was made on
4. Any other helpful information you can provide If you want to be on our mailing list, please send email to sanjit+ucllist@cs.cmu.edu with the subject line reading `Mailing list'.
Authors and Developers
The UCLID tool has been implemented by Sanjit Seshia and Shuvendu Lahiri.
Email Shuvendu and Sanjit at sanjit+uclid@cs.cmu.edu
Last modified: Mon Jun 2 03:00:42 EDT 2003
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