Some recent papers and talks


Powerpoint slides of my SAT-2005 talk.

E.Goldberg. On Equivalence Checking and Logic Synthesis of Circuits with a Common Specification. Proceedings of GLSVLSI, Chicago, April 17-19, 2005,pp.102-107

E.Goldberg. Testing Satisfiability of CNF Formulas by Computing a Stable Set of Points. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 43 (1-4): 65-89, January 2005


E.Goldberg. On equivalence checking and logic synthesis of circuits with a common specification". Technical Report CDNL-TR-2004-1220, August 2004

E.Goldberg. On complexity of equivalence checking II. Technical Report CDNL-TR-2004-0830, August 2004

E.Goldberg. Logic synthesis preserving high-level specification. International Workshop on Logic Synthesis, IWLS-2004.

Powerpoint slides of my IWLS-2004 talk.


E.Goldberg, Y.Novikov. Verification of proofs of unsatisfiability for CNF formulas. Design, Automation and Test in Europe. 2003, March 3-7,pp.886-891. .

E.Goldberg, Y.Novikov. How good can a resolution based SAT-solver be? Sixth International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing, Portofino, May 5-8,2003, Italy, LNCS 2919, pp.37-52.

E.Goldberg, Y. Novikov. Equivalence Checking of Dissimilar Circuits. International Workshop on Logic and Synthesis, May 28-30, 2003, USA. .

E.Goldberg, Y.Novikov. On complexity of equivalence checking. Technical Report CDNL-TR-2003-08026, August 2003 .


E.Goldberg, M.Prasad, R.Brayton. Using Problem Symmetry in Search Based Satisfiability Algorithms, DATE-2002, Paris,pp. 134-141. .

E.Goldberg, Y.Novikov. BerkMin: a Fast and Robust SAT-Solver. DATE-2002,Paris,pp. 142-149 .

E.Goldberg. Testing Satisfiability of CNF Formulas by Computing a Stable Set of Points. Proceedigns of Conference on Automated Deduction, CADE 2002,pp.161-180 .

E. Goldberg. Proving Unsatisfiability of CNFs locally. Journal of Automated Reasoning. vol 28:417-434, 2002. .


E. Goldberg, M.Prasad, R.K.Brayton. Using SAT for combinational equivalence checking. Proceedings of DATE-2001, pp. 114 -121. .

Novikov, Y.; Goldberg, E. An efficient learning procedure for multiple implication checks. Proceedings of DATE-2001 pp. 127 -133. .

A few papers written in the last century

L.P.Carloni,E.I.Goldberg,T.Villa,R.K.Brayton and A.L.Sangiovanni-Vincentelli. "Aura II: Combining Negative Thinking and Branch-and-Bound in Unate Covering Problems" In "VLSI: Systems on a Chip" (L.M. Silveira, R. Reis, S. Devadas editors), Kluwer 1999. .

Goldberg E.I., Kukimoto K., Brayton R.K. Combinational verification based on high-level functional specifications. Proceedings of DATE-98, Paris, p.803-807. .

Goldberg, E.I.; Villa, T.; Brayton, R.K.; Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, A.L. A fast and robust exact algorithm for face embedding. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Aided Design (ICCAD), San Jose, CA, USA, 9-13 Nov. 1997). Los Alamitos, CA, USA: IEEE Comput. Soc, 1997. p. 296-303. .

. Goldberg, E.I.; Carloni, L.P.; Villa, T.; Brayton, R.K.; Negative thinking by incremental problem solving: application to unate covering. Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Aided Design (ICCAD), San Jose, CA, USA, 9-13 Nov. 1997). Los Alamitos, CA, USA:IEEE Comput. Soc, 1997. p. 91-99. .