Authors: Andrew E. Caldwell, Andrew B. Kahng and Igor L. Markov Contact author(s):, Affiliation: UCLA, Computer Science Department, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1596 USA The text of this advisory is to be used for information purposes only. Developers and/or maintainers will attempt to provide installation instructions, describe the general purpose of released source codes and executables as well as provide relevant references (e.g., to technical reports and conference papers). However, providing comprehensive documentation may be impossible due to resource/funding limitations. Realizing this, developers will provide limited and selective support for the released source code and executables by electronic or regular mail. This advisory encourages all users to request additional documentaion, instruictions and clarifications. Developers will attempt to answer such requests as time allows, establish mailing lists for users and maintain answers for Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). Users are encouraged to read such lists and other available documentation prior to requesting support. Appendix: Various papers describing algorithms implemented here are available at A software/interest group on fundamental VLSI CAD implementations is maintained at (see "request membership" link at the bottom) A listing of available "bookshelf slots" is available at Several slots have dedicated user groups and mailing lists Some of these groups have FAQs and discussion fora. Membership in some groups at the site is restricted to funding companies and member research insitutions. Please direct further inquiries to and mention this note ("documentation and support advisory") in your correspondence.