*** Defining the placement outline *** The directions below are given for Capo (MetaPlacer binaries) because some features of Parquet are only available through Capo. MetaPlacer accepts input in several formats, including input files given to Parquet, and automatically determines which format is given (use the same option -f). When Capo is run on a floorplanning problem, e.g. {design.blocks design.nets design.pl} Capo automatically constructs a placement outline based on the total cell area and the desired whitespace of the floorplanning problem. The -AR option can be used to shape the placement outline to your desired width/height. Use the -maxWS option to set the desired % WS. (In all cases the outline is aligned to 0,0). e.g. MetaPlacerTest0.exe -f design -AR 0.14 -maxWS 40 -plotNodes plot -save "-f design" refers to input files with base file name "design". The "-plotNodes plot" option saves a placement plot, in plot.plt (base file name can be changed). Alternatively the -plotNodesWNames option saves a placement plot with nodes labelled. The -save option saves a placement (out.pl) *** How to set fixed locations for cells *** To set fixed locations for blocks and preserve their dimensions, you must provide Capo with input in the Bookshelf format rather than in the Parquet format. First, convert the floorplanning problem to the Bookshelf format by running Capo on it once. Capo will automatically save the Bookshelf files: {design.aux design.nodes design.nets design.scl design.pl} Then, make a node fixed by declaring it as a terminal in the design.nodes file, e.g.: I75 617 468 terminal Now you may run Capo with the Bookshelf files: MetaPlacerTest0.exe -f design.aux *** Region constraints *** We are currently adding region constraint support to floorplanning in Capo. What you could do in the mean time, is the following: - Construct 2 different problems for Capo - one for the top half of the circuit, another for the bottom half of the circuit, place the NMOS blocks separately from PMOS blocks, and combine the 2 placements. - If wirelength has to be minimized, one has to add a pin-assignment step. Add a new pin to each cut net, and place pins on the cutline (otherwise the two placements will be uncorrelated). This can be done either at the very beginning or after one of the placements becomes available.