MARCO GSRC Calibrating Achievable Design: Bookshelf

GSRC Single Interconnect Tree Synthesis (Revision 1.2)

Work in progress: last updated Mon Jul 23 2001

(see other slots)

John Lillis and Milos Hrkic, Univerisity of Illinois, Chicago.

I. Introduction
II. Data Formats
III. Instances
IV. Executable Solvers

I. Introduction

This page contains information on the single interconnect tree synthesis slot of the GSRC Bookshelf project. The page is currently evolving, and we will try to keep the page as much updated as possible. You can send your comments on this page and the file formats to the authors listed above.


Current status

At present, we have developed the following file formats for representing the corresponding information. These are not the final versions and are expected to undergo more refinements!

II. Data Formats

The following data formats have been proposed to be used to represent information necessary for
interconnect tree synthesis. Please follow the individual links for a detailed specification and
explanation of the associated format files.

 Pins and Constraints
.sitspins representing pins and their location on a net and their properties
.sitslayer assigns pins to layers
.pol assigns input and output signal polarity for every pin
.cap assigns input pin capacitance
.slew assigns pins slew
.noise assigns pins noise
.rat assigns requires arrival time for every sink depending on the signal source pin
.src assigns intrinsic delay and output resistance for source pins
// eventually this will refer to .masters
.bufstat buffer stations
.bufblock represents buffer blockages
.routblock routing blockages

.topo represents a topology for a given net, allows multiple topologies
.tree represents unembedded topology tree

 Technology  (.tech, .dev, .xdev, .res) (from Fundamental Slot)
    -- interconnect technology information for topology synthesis and optimization
    -- includes layer/via parasitics
    -- simple and complex buffer library specifications

III. Instances

To download all sample instances click here:


To browse instances on net by net basis:
net2 All files:  net2.tar
net3 All files: net3.tar
net6 All files:  net6.tar
net9 All files:  net9.tar
net12 All files:  net12.tar
net15 All files:  net15.tar
net18 All files:  net18.tar
net24 All files:  net24.tar
routing blockages All files:  nets.routblock
buffer blockages All files:  nets.bufblock

IV. Executable solvers

Last update on Mon, Jul 23 2001. Version 1.88 Alpha. See README file first.

Buffered P-Tree

Buffered S-Tree Static topology buffer insertion -- to come

All questions, suggestions, bug reports or interesting instances email to