The SAT-Ex
"The experimentation web site around the satisfiability problem"

NEW! Updated 11-07-2001: Release 2.03!

Preliminary warnings: Just recall that this site is provided as is, and if I try to check all results, as they are automatically generated, I currently make no warranty about them. They are all stemming from my own experience and running sessions. But, the picture is not so dark, and, as far as I know, no bugs are around there. Feel free to mail me remarks or suggestions about results or bugs revealing.
"I want you" for SatEx Operation

I Want You for SatEx! The SAT Live! web site has a forum dedicated to SatEx. Our aim is to fill-in informations about solvers and benchmarks in SatEx, as well as comments on results. Please visit the Sat Live! forum on SatEx to help us. I Want You for SatEx!

Quick overview

The SAT-Ex site attempts to group experimentations around the fundamental SAT problem. Its aim is to gather experiments, providing executions traces of provers on all benchmarks. It also provides some study on benchmarks and on programs performances. More information about the SatEx can be found here.

Today, the SAT database can be summarized with the following numbers:

The Site Index

Top 10 Sat-provers

This rank list is established over all benchmarks of SatEx where results are availables, but this ranking should be taken with care. It is only indicative and it can give a bad or a wrong idea of some program performances, especially for those which have been designed for only some specific benchmarks. A special (and much more complete) TOP page is Here.

Program Time Used Slow Ratio #Solved #Tested
zchaff 2 days, 22 h. 52 m. 29 s. 1.00 1280 1303
relsat-200 5 days, 19 h. 20 m. 50 s. 1.97 1260 1303
relsat 7 days, 9 h. 33 m. 20 s. 2.51 1243 1303
sato 8 days, 9 h. 35 m. 12 s. 2.84 1241 1303
satz-215 8 days, 22 h. 48 m. 56 s. 3.03 1237 1303
eqsatz 9 days, 0 h. 6 m. 8 s. 3.05 1237 1303
satz-213 9 days, 15 h. 18 m. 16 s. 3.26 1232 1303
sato-3.2.1 10 days, 9 h. 52 m. 52 s. 3.53 1221 1303
satz 10 days, 12 h. 59 m. 23 s. 3.57 1211 1303
modoc 11 days, 2 h. 27 m. 40 s. 3.76 1217 1303

Total cpu time in the table: 84 days, 4 h. 55 m. 10 s.

Two very usefull SAT related links
This main page has been accessed 2408 times since the 31st of March, 2000.
Total number of Hits for the Satex during the same period: 93713

© 2000-2001 Laurent Simon Scripts last modified on 01-07-2001
File generated on 6-09-2001
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