Optimization Software
Much of the information on these products is drawn from a book:
Optimization Software Guide (Jorge J. Moré and Stephen J. Wright, SIAM Publications, 1993).
This material is reproduced here by kind permission of SIAM.
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The Full List...
We have data on the following software packages:
- The AIMMS modeling language.
- The AMPL modeling language.
- ANALYZE linear programming model analysis.
- ASA - adaptive simulated annealing.
- BPMPD - linear programming.
- BQPD - quadratic programming.
- BT - minimization.
- BTN - block truncated Newton.
- CML - constrained maximum likelihood.
- CNM - linear algebra and minimization.
- CO - constrained optimization.
- CONOPT - nonlinear programming.
- CONSOL-OPTCAD - engineering system design.
- CONTIN - systems of nonlinear equations.
- CPLEX - linear programming.
- C-WHIZ - linear programming models.
- DATAFORM - model management system.
- DFNLP - nonlinear data fitting.
- DOC - Design Optimization Control Program.
- DONLP2 - nonlinear constrained optimization.
- DOT - Design Optimization Tools.
- EASY FIT - parameter estimation in dynamic systems.
- Excel and Quattro Pro Solvers - spreadsheet-based
linear, integer and nonlinear programming
- EZMOD - modeling environment for decision support
- FortMP - linear and mixed integer programming.
- FSQP - nonlinear and minmax constrained optimization,
with feasible iterates.
- GAMS - modeling language.
- GAUSS - matrix programming language.
- GENESIS - structural optimization software.
- GENOS 1.0 - nonlinear network optimization.
- GINO - nonlinear programming.
- GRG2 - nonlinear programming.
- GOM: Global Optimization for Mathematica.
- HOMPACK - nonlinear equations and polynomials.
- HOPDM - linear programming (interior-point).
- HARWELL Library - linear and nonlinear programming,
nonlinear equations, data fitting.
- HS/LP Linear Optimizer - linear programming.
- ILOG - constraint-based programming and nonlinear
- IMSL - Fortran and C Library.
- KORBX - linear programming.
- LAMPS - linear and mixed-integer programming.
- LANCELOT - large-scale problems.
- LBFGS - unconstrained minimization.
- LBFGS-B - bound-constrained minimization.
- LGO IDE - continuous and Lipschitz global optimization.
- LINDO - linear, mixed-integer and quadratic programming.
- LINGO - modeling language.
- LIPSOL - linear programming.
- LNOS - linear programming/network flow problems.
- LOQO - Linear programming, unconstrained and constrained
nonlinear optimization.
- LP88 and BLP88 - linear programming.
- LSGRG2 - nonlinear programming.
- LSNNO - large scale optimization.
- LSSOL - least squares problems.
- M1QN3 - unconstrained optimization.
- MATLAB - optimization toolbox.
- MAXLIK - maximum likelihood estimation.
- MCS - global optimization.
- MILP88 - mixed integer programming.
- MINOS - linear programming and nonlinear optimization.
- MINTO - mixed integer linear programming.
- MINPACK-1 - nonlinear equations and least squares.
- MIPIII - mixed integer programming.
- MODFIT - parameter estimation in dynamic systems.
- MODLER - linear programming modeling language.
- MODULOPT - unconstrained problems and simple bounds.
- MOSEK - linear programming and convex optimization.
- MPL - modeling system
- MPSIII - mathematical programming system.
- NAG C Library - nonlinear and quadratic programming,
- NAG Fortran Library - nonlinear and quadratic
programming, minimization
- NETFLOW - network optimization.
- NITSOL - systems of nonlinear equations.
- NLPE - minimization and least squares problems.
- NLPJOB - Mulicriteria optimization.
- NLPQL - nonlinear programming.
- NLPQLB - nonlinear programming with constraints.
- NLSSOL - constrained nonlinear least squares problems.
- NLPSPR - nonlinear programming.
- NOVA - nonlinear programming.
- NPSOL - nonlinear programming.
- ODRPACK - NLS and ODR problems.
- OML - linear and mixed-integer programming, model
- OPTDES - design optimization tool.
- OPTECH - global optimization.
- OptiA - unconstrained, constrained, quadratic, minimax,
nonsmooth, and global optimization
- OPTIMA Library - optimization and sensitivity analysis.
- OPTIMAX - component software for optimization
- OPTMUM - optimization.
- OPTPACK - constrained and unconstrained optimization.
- OptQuest - global optimization
- OSL - linear, quadratic and mixed-integer programming.
- PCOMP - modelling language with automatic
- PCx - linear programming with a primal-dual interior-point
- PDEFIT - parameter estimation in partial differential
- PETSc - parallel solution of nonlinear equations and
unconstrained minimization problems.
- PLAM - algebraic modeling language for mixed integer
programming, constraint logic programming, etc.
- PORT 3 - minimization, least squares, etc.
- PROC LP - linear and integer programming.
- PROC NETFLOW - network optimization.
- PROC NLP - various quadratic and nonlinear
optimization problems.
- Q01SUBS - quadratic programming for matrices.
- QAPP - quadratic assignment problems.
- QL - quadratic programming.
- QPOPT - linear and quadratic problems.
- RANDMOD - linear programming model randomizer.
- SIMUSOLV - modeling software.
- SPRNLP - sparse and dense nonlinear programming,
sparse nonlinear least squares, including the SOCS
package for optimal control
- SPEAKEASY - numerical problems and operations
- SNOPT - large-scale quadratic and nonlinear
programming problems.
- SQOPT - large-scale linear and convex quadratic
programming problems.
- SQP - nonlinear programming.
- SYNAPS Pointer - multidisciplinary design optimization
- SYSFIT - parameter estimation in systems of nonlinear
- TENMIN - unconstrained optimization.
- TENSOLVE - nonlinear equations and least squares.
- TN/TNBC - minimization.
- TNPACK - nonlinear unconstrained minimization.
- TSA88 - network linear programming.
- UNCMIN - unconstrained optimization.
- VE08 - nonlinear optimization.
- VE10 - nonlinear least squares.
- VIG and VIMDA - decision support system.
- What'sBest - linear and mixed integer programming.
- WHIZARD - linear programming, mixed-integer
- XLSOL - Linear, integer and nonlinear programming for
AMPL models
- XPRESS-MP from Dash Associates - linear and integer
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